Summary: To ensure optimal performance of the RoofSnap iOS app, rebooting your device periodically and getting a fresh install of the app from the App Store is recommended.
If you are experiencing general performance issues with the RoofSnap mobile app on your iPad or iPhone, taking the following steps to install a fresh version of the app and reboot your device may help.
1. Log out of RoofSnap from the blue (i) info button on the bottom of the left menu.
2. Go to your iPad or iPhone home screen and press and hold on the RoofSnap icon. Delete the app.
3. Hold down the device's power button (little tab on the side or top) to shut down the device. Give it a moment, then power back on.
4. Reinstall RoofSnap from the App Store.
Note that deleting the app will not eliminate any of your RoofSnap project data since it is all saved in the cloud.