Summary: In RoofSnap Max version 1.9.61, the Documents Tab of your project has been upgraded to include a menu of all the documents you have available. When you open the documents tab, tap the thumbnail of the document you want to create.
Watch this video or follow the steps below:
New Document Template Menu
Now, when you tap the Documents Tab of your project for the first time, you'll see the Template Menu.
The Template Menu is a list of the document formats you have available to you. Each document is represented by a thumbnail, that shows you the formatting of that document. To create a document for your project, tap the thumbnail of the document you'd like to generate.
Creating More Documents
Once you've created a document in your project, the Documents tab will display a list of the PDF documents you've already created.
To generate more documents, tap "Generate Document" in the upper right corner. This will return you to the Document Templates Menu.