Summary: The Payment Method for your Subscription Account can be updated in your account on
Watch the video or follow the instructions below.
Updating your RoofSnap Payment Method
Whether your card has expired, you've switched banks, or failed to bill for any variety of reasons, you may need to update the card on file for your account.
To update your payment method:
To update your payment method:
Enter your RoofSnap Credentials and you'll be presented with your account screen.
Click the "Update Payment Method" button.
Click "Change Payment Method" to the right of your current payment method.
Click "Add Payment Method" Below your current card.
Enter your payment info and click "Add New Payment Method."
*Important* After adding your payment info, be sure to click "Apply Changes" to save the new card.
After applying changes, you'll be presented with a green bar indicating you've updated successfully.
Be aware that the card displayed may display your previous payment method and take some time to update.