Summary: Our Suggested Shingle Cutting Waste Calculator accounts for field shingle cut waste, taking into account angled edge types and using your individual project's measurements to calculate the total cut waste, and includes a general handling waste as well.
RoofSnap includes a suggested cut waste calculation for the field shingles based on the typical cut waste when installing architectural shingles & using a closed single cut valley.
This calculation is based on the following values:
Valley 2.3 sf waste per linear ft
Hip 0.7 sf waste per linear ft
Rake 0.25 sf waste per linear ft
Step 0.25 sf waste per linear ft
Handling waste 5%
Note: Hip & ridge cap & starter are not included in the auto waste calculation!
You can customize the waste % at any time on the Measurements tab of your project.
Click the RoofSnap platform you use to see a brief tutorial on updating your project's waste percentage: Apple iOS | Android | Web App