Summary: A user is someone who has access to RoofSnap's software. Users can access RoofSnap on our Web App and one (1) mobile app of their choice.
To keep it simple, a user is someone who uses RoofSnap!
Users have their own RoofSnap login credentials (an email address and password) and their own projects.
Every user has access to RoofSnap on both the RoofSnap Web App and one (1) of the RoofSnap mobile apps.
Types of Users
Account Administrators - Every RoofSnap account has a user that administrates the account. This user has access to make changes to Account (add and remove users, edit documents, change pricing, etc.). Account administrators can also access all projects in their account, regardless of which user has ownership of the project. The account administrator is generally the user who starts the subscription, though the role can be given to other users.
Sales-App User - In an account with multiple users, users added by the account administrator are known as Sales App users. These users may have limited access to account features (editing pricing, viewing material pricing, etc.) but have full access to RoofSnap's measuring tools, estimation platform, and documents.