Summary: RoofSnap is a software and service provider. RoofSnap's software is subscription-based and is available as a mobile app for Android and iOS, and a browser-based web app. RoofSnap's measurement ordering service, SketchOS, offers two products: Half Snaps and Full Snaps.
SketchOS Measurement Reports
Half Snaps are reports that include perimeter measurements of the roof, and a single, predominant pitch value. Half Snaps are ideal for rough, preliminary bids or per-square estimating.
Full Snaps are reports that include full linear and area measurements of the roof, as well as pitch values for all roof facets (subject to imagery availability.) Full Snaps are ideal for precise estimation and for use in RoofSnap's estimation platform.
Note: A valid RoofSnap subscription is required to use RoofSnap's software products. Demos and subscription activations are available at