Summary: Deleting an office also deletes that office's material items, logo, and any projects associated with that project. Deleted offices and projects can sometimes be restored, contact support for assistance.
When to Delete an Office
Only when you, and the rest of your company, have no need for the projects, estimate items, pins, and pricing in the office to be deleted. If you think you may need access to any of the projects in the account, consider changing their office before deleting or not deleting the office at all!
(Changing a project's office can cause issues with the project's estimate items and pins.)
If your company is switching from residential to commercial work, starting a new branch, or updating pricing in a major way, you should probably create a new office for that work. However, be sure that you don't want any of the projects in your old office before deleting.
What to Do Before Deleting an Office
- Start a new office
- Change the office of any project you want to keep
- Consider if you need to reference any products, pricing, or estimate items in the office to be deleted
If you've accomplished the above steps and still wish to delete your office, then you should be safe to delete.